Jörg Jude Gebäudetechnik
Veiled injection / gelatination
For the subsequent outer sealing the structure is completely bored through.
The injected gel at the same time swells after having contact with the existing water inside the soil and works as a surface sealing depending on how evenly it could spread over the exterior wall surface. For the gelatination the level of sealing is formed in the component which means that the injection substance in the construction material structure is placed in such a manner that a continuous level of sealing develops. The pressure of the injection is adjusted to the component and the construction material. The individual drilling holes are injected with the gel shaping acrylate with an appropiate pressure until the water entry is stopped.
Favourable with this injection technique is the dilution of the injection substance with water in such a way that at the same time existing pores of water can be included into the development of gel. Therefore the sealing is not affected and no measures of drainage have to be performed before the injection.
Injection of the component with acrylate gel
The injected gel consists of a chemical compound that possesses a solid state structure with physically incorporated water. The gels can gather water in their dereacted state and can again emit water in the dry period. That means that gels shrink when dewatered and macerate analogically when supplied with water.
Chemically the used acrylic acids can be characterised as aqueous monomeric mixtures on the basis of methacrylic acid ester. They form the injection medium together with an activator, a catalyst and tempering water. For the processing important influencing variables constitute the viscosity and the gelatinizing time. The viscosity is similiar to water and depends very much on the mixing ratio with water.
Injection of the bordering ground with acrylic gel
The gelatinizing time is determined by the added amout of the catalyst and can be adjusted from a few seconds up to a couple of hours. After the gel shaping a stable, elastic and deformable plastic-water-system is present. This sealing system is very durable against most in the ground occuring chemical substances and influences.
For a permanent sealing pertains the endurance of the hydrated gel against possible influences from various substances. A dehydration of the gel can influence the sealing impact as well. That way the gel emits water in dry sand and loses consequently its volume.With renewed water addition the gel mascerates again and seals. But the permanent available dampness of the ground is sufficient for keeping the gel stable.
Sealing of leaking ground plate
Emission of gel at the ground base connection